Friday, June 3, 2011

Haiku Moments at Sea

a tiny tuna
said “hi” to us fisherman
as I ate its heart

a giant tuna
it wanted to say “hi” too
a shark said hi first

palmyra – pristine
kingman reef – untouched beauty

one double rainbow
then, a ghostly gray moon bow
fluctuating light

swing swing a lone rope
dangling, enticing, calling
jump, jump it’s shallow

row row row your boat
gently on the “Gene” (you see)
life is but a dream

the atmosphere drops
“plitter platter” the sky falls

jig to catch a squid
caught three :“Jesus”, “Bart”, “Princess”
Princess ate Jesus

dolphins are lazy
they dance around the bow wave
frolicking all day

bonfires, dance parties
christmas in may, gift exchange
dancing life away

our watch climbed the mast
overlooking paradise
no comparison

the world is all wrong
small lights speckle the dark sea
while a squall beats us

--Josh Coronado

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